Teodora Mânzat

I am highly recommending doctor Zaharie Daniela for her professionalism, patience, friendship in treating small toddlers. Once you learn how to trust her, the relationship between her and the child becomes incredible. She managed to treat my 2 years old daughter with out general anesthesia who suffered a really bad form of demineralization. 5 stars […]

I am highly recommending doctor Zaharie Daniela for her professionalism, patience, friendship in treating small toddlers. Once you learn how to trust her, the relationship between her and the child becomes incredible. She managed to treat my 2 years old daughter with out general anesthesia who suffered a really bad form of demineralization.
5 stars well deserved



Teodora Mânzat

Multumim doamna doctor Daniela Zaharie pentru ca Sophie zâmbește din nou. CU TOȚI DINȚII! Recomandam cu caldura tuturor părinților care se lupta cu displazia de smalț la copilași si care nu isi doresc anestezie generală. Multumim de asemenea si minunaților Florin si Adrian care au avut de fiecare data grija de noi! Much love!!

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